Our team is made up of entrepreneurs, operators and industry experts who have worked at companies big and small. Each one brings a unique set of skills and critical thinking to your project. We promise to push you on all barriers of your business, testing your thinking and your assumptions about what is possible, while making you better in the process. We promise to be active partners, ready to roll up our sleeves and do what it takes to get the job done. Through our relationships, we’ll help you build your team, attract partners and raise capital. We know that building a successful company doesn’t take days or months, it often takes years. We’re in it for the long-haul because we know that if we work together, we can help you turn something good into something great.
"An entrepreneur is someone who dares to dream and is foolish enough to try to make those dreams come true."
Our mission is to make the world a better place, and to have a deep and lasting impact on those with whom we work. We strive to invest in founders of movements and products that capture the imagination.
At all times, we are focused on optimizing the capital structure of your company so that it can fulfill its corporate objectives with the long-term view of building equity for all stakeholders. With this in mind, our services include:
Corporate & capital markets strategy
Value based management
Capital structure
Mergers, acquisitions and divestments
Strategic Alliances and joint ventures
Go Public Strategies
Principal investment
Financial engineering
Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity.
As founders, operators and investors, we approach every new project asking ourselves a couple of key questions? Is your technology significant or disruptive? Have you developed a ‘must-have’ product or superior service? Do you have an outstanding management team? Do we believe in your corporate vision?
But most importantly, can we ask ourselves, can we add value? If we can’t clearly see all the ways we can accelerate and expand upon your business plan we won’t get involved. We are looking for projects and partners that we can truly get excited about, because we know that without passion there is no success.
If you think you have what we are looking for please contact us
HCM Ventures is a Venture Capital Corporation (VCC) registered under the “Small Business Venture Capital Act” of British Columbia and “Investing in a Diversified Alberta Economy Act” of Alberta. The Acts were established to encourage equity investment in eligible small businesses in British Columbia and Alberta by providing a 30% refundable tax credit to investors who purchase shares in registered VCC’s such as HCM Ventures. HCM then uses the capital raised to make equity investments in qualifying eligible business corporations (EBC).
Fact Sheet